

Okay, so the school year is officially over, and my friends and I are now officially 6th graders! I'm kinda having mixed feelings about everything- Lusher Middle is big- and we're back to being little kids again. Well, here we go!



Please Comment!

Hey guys,
I know that we have very few comments on our blog. We'd love it and appreciate it if all you readers have any concerns or comments, please post them! If you want to ask any questions, you can email us at

Again, thank you for visiting our  blog, but feel free to comment!

Changes to themes and Fonts

So our first blog theme was green Ethereal with birds flying over it and the "Coming Soon" font. Then on for our first 100 views, we changed to the orange swirls and bolded fonts. Now, to celebrate our 200th views of our fabulous readers, we welcome and present- a calm blue shade of background with a very relaxing font. We hope this makes it even more convenient for you.
Ruby and Emerald

Here We Go Again!!!!

So, now we're sailing up the charts to numero two-hundred-sixty-eight! So you know the delio. We change up some things. So we have some brand new exclusive posts coming up Just. For. You. The school year is almost over, and summer break is on the way! Keep an eye out for our new fashion posts, and ways to keep cool on a very bright sunny afternoon.
    Again, CWM could not have made possible without you wonderful viewers. Thank you, and keep an eye out for our updates!
    -Ruby and Emerald.



For all you Rick Riordan Kane Chronicle fans out there- Book 3 is coming out!!!! Join Sadie and Carter Kane as they battle their war against the snake demon Aphosis. The Serpents Shadow is coming out May 1st- One more week!!! Isn't this such a great cover?